
db9fc0c076e226c7bec4ab2a9567f1e699237680.pngCreating a competitive and balanced OG factions experience that is both fair and enjoyable for all players 

To provide an optimal experience, these rules have been created to make the game as fair and enjoyable for everyone as possible. The rules are subject to change at any time. Any alterations will be posted on Discord

Rule Information:

  • Punishments can be appealed on Discord by raising an “Appeal” ticket.

  • If you have any questions please raise a ticket on Discord.

  • When appealing, stating that a rule is not listed or you were not aware of it as a reason to do it will not be classed as a valid reason and your punishment will not change.

  • Encouraging any sort of punishable offense will result in you being punished.

  • Faction Strikes will reduce f top Value after 3 Strikes are reached. 

  • If any rule is broken, that player or offending party will be punished. The punishment is specified in this document or under the discretion of an administrator.

  • It is the responsibility of the player to be knowledgeable of the rules and to stay updated if the rules are changed.

Chat Rules

Spam/Encouraging Spam: (Spam)
Repeating the same messages, flooding chat, repeating random characters. This also includes; TPA spam, private message spam, faction command spam and KOTH capture spam etc.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: 1 Hour Temporary Mute
3rd Offense: 12 Hour Temporary Mute
4th Offense: 1 Day Temporary Ban

Advertising: (Advertising)
Putting a link/IP in chat that relates to another server. Youtube content related to OasisFactions should be posted in the #Media channel on discord, not in chat. You will be punished depending on the type of advertisement.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: 1 Day Temporary Mute
3rd Offense: 1 Day Temporary Ban
4th Offense: Permanent Mute

Releasing Personal Info: (Doxing)
Do not release personal information on another player, how you gained this information does not matter and will still result in a ban without question. This includes; Last Name, Address, Phone Number, Email or any Information regarding other Family Relations or Significant Others.

1st Offense: Permanent Ban

Malicious Threats: (Threats)
We take threats seriously, whether it be in-game or Discord. Examples include; Doxing, Denial of Service Attack, Hijacking, Hacking Accounts, Death Threats or Insinuating.

1st Offense: 14 Day Temporary Mute
2nd Offense: 30 Day Temporary Mute
3rd Offense: Permanent Mute

Punishment Evasion:
Attempting to evade punishments such as mutes or bans using another account will lead to your current punishment being doubled on both accounts.

1st Offense: Double Existing Punishment
2nd Offense:Permanent Ban/Mute

Racism, Discrimination and Derogatory Remarks: (Bigotry)
The use of extreme discriminative or racist language, including slurs is not allowed.  This rule includes using [item] with a disrespectful/racist name.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: 1 Hour Temporary Mute
3rd Offense: 1 Day Temporary Mute
4th Offense: 7 Day Temporary Mute

Sexual Harassment/Remarks: (Harassment)
Sexually harassing any member of the community will not be tolerated.
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: 1 Hour Temporary Mute
3rd Offense: 1 Day Temporary Mute
4th Offense: 7 Day Temporary Mute

Gameplay Rules

Unfair Advantages and Hacking: (Hacking)
Any form of client or external programs that may provide you with an unfair advantage over other players or provide additional help in or outside of combat. The punishment given will vary depending on the unfair advantage / hacks used.

1st Offense: 14 Day Temporary Ban
2st Offense: 30 Day Temporary Ban
3nd Offense: Permanent Ban

Exploiting in any way shape or form / gameplay intent: (Exploiting)
Abusing plugins or systems for their unintended purpose or exploiting in any way. Exploiting, duping or anything that affords you an unfair advantage. This rule is highly situational and punishments may vary.

1st Offense: 14 Day Temporary Ban
2nd Offense: 30 Day Temporary Ban
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban

Aiding A Cheater: (Aiding)
Aiding a rule breaker or cheater by any means. Including but is not limited to; Providing a cheater with gear, pvping with a cheater(allying or trucing). Failing to report a cheater to staff.

1st Offense: 3 Day Temporary Ban
2nd Offense: 7 Day Temporary Ban
3rd Offense: 14 Day Temporary Ban

Automated Work: (Automation)
This rule is all-encompassing meaning you are not allowed to tape down your mouse, setup macros or anything that is not you physically at your computer pressing down the buttons to be performing actions.

1st Offense: 7 Day Temporary Ban
2nd Offense: 14 Day Temporary Ban

Abusing A Glitch/Bug: 
Using our server’s plugins or features in a way that they are not intended to be used is forbidden. This includes game freezing. If any bugs are found, they should be reported directly to staff. The punishment will depend on the severity of the bug abused.

1st Offense: Admin discretion 

Causing Lag: (Lag)
Examples include lag machines, automatic farms, or throwing large amounts of items on the ground.

1st Offense: 7 Day Temporary Ban
2nd Offense: 14 Day Temporary Ban
3rd Offense: 30 Day Temporary Ban

Selling Items (IRL Trading): (IRL)
You are not allowed to trade for/with PayPal or Crypto etc.

If proof of a successful transaction is provided, both parties will be permanently banned.

1st Offense: Warning (Advertising IRL Trades)
2nd Offense: 7 Day Temporary Ban (Any Item/Economic Gain Removed)
3rd Offense: Permanent Ban (Any Item/Economic Gain Removed)

Forging Proof: (Forging)
Attempting to get a player punished for a rule they did not break by creating fake evidence by editing screenshots or a video in any way. This applies to all types of forging proof for any circumstance.

1st Offense: 20 Day Temporary Ban

Faction/Base Rules

TnT Detectors:
Using any modification or construct that allows or could allow the detection of TNT is prohibited. Redstone must not be placed on or near the walls of a base. Being AFK on or near walls for more than 5 minutes is also prohibited.

1st Offense: Warning (Redstone Removed)
2nd Offense: 1 Day Temporary Ban (Redstone Removed)
3rd Offense: +1 Faction Strike & 3 Day Temporary Ban (Redstone Removed)
4th Offense: +1 Faction Strike & 7 Day Temporary Ban (Redstone Removed)

Buffer Claims:

  • A maximum buffer of 12 chunks is allowed. This allows for a max of 96 Walls. 

  • Bases are not allowed to be within 30 chunks of another faction's buffer. The space between each buffer claim may only contain raid claims. Any base built for the purpose of extending a factions buffer will be removed.

1st Offense: Faction Leader Warning (Extra claims or walls will be removed)
2nd Offense: +1 Faction Strike

Faction Bases:

  • Bases that are in line with each other on the same axis must be further than 100 chunks away.

  • Cobweb walls are prohibited

1st Offense: Faction Leader Warning (Claims or Base moved)
2nd Offense: +1 Faction Strike (Claims & Base in breach of the rule removed)

Raiding/Cannoning Rules

Wall Breaching:
A cannon can only break 1 wall at a minimum of 10s per wall. In the event that the defending faction has built filters or anything besides a conventional watered wall and it is skipped by the raiding faction, the 10s breach timer can be ignored for that wall. Filters are built at the risk of the defending faction.

1st Offense: Warning (Raid cancelled, damage rolled back)
2st Offense: +1 Faction Strike & 3 Day Temporary Ban *For All Involved* (Raid canceled, damage rolled back + cannon removed)
3nd Offense: +1 Faction Strike & 7 Day Temporary Ban *For All Involved* (Raid canceled, damage rolled back + cannon removed)

Cannon Box:
Cannon boxes can only have a base layer wall with water + 2 external walls with water. With the addition of 1 reverse layer.

1st Offense: Warning (Extra walls removed)
2nd Offense: +1 Faction Strike (Extra walls removed)

Disallowed Cannons

  • Horizontal nukes

  • Rev nukes

  • Push Nukes

  • Mid-air cannons

  • Wall removers

  • U-Fusions

  • Any cannon that auto adjusts 

  • Any cannon that fires above y255 or below y1

  • Left/Right Shooting

  • Worm cannons

  • Any cannon that makes multiple holes per shot 

1st Offense: +1 Faction Strike & 3 Day Temporary Ban (Raid canceled, damage rolled back, Cannon Removed)
2st Offense: +2 Faction Strike & 7 Day Temporary Ban *For All Involved* (Raid canceled, damage rolled back + cannon removed)

Allowed Clients

Using printer is strictly forbidden even if it is through one of these clients!

  • Lunar

  • Orbit

  • ReplayMod

  • Badlion

  • Falcun

  • LabyMod

  • Feather

  • Essentials

  • Alpine